Presentation of CitiSim to Camas City Council

Presentation of CitiSim to Camas City Council

Last October 7th, members of Abalia and UCLM presented the CitiSim project and its results to Jorge Miranda Ojeda, the IT Manager in the Camas City Council. It was a great opportunity to talk about real needs involving citizens and local authorities.

Camas is a municipality located in the South of Spain, in the province of Seville (Andalusia). According to the 2018 census, the city has a population of 27,463 inhabitants. Due to its characteristics, this municipality presents important differences compared to the needs that may present other bigger cities, requiring different technical approaches.

As a result of the meeting, it was a very positive session for both parts. In that sense, the members of the City Council found in CitiSim a great opportunity to join the Smart City concept, introducing innovative solutions to cope with topics like the automatization of the streetlamps operation and the use of mechanisms to centrally manage other basic aspects of the municipality.