One of the main goals of the CitiSim project is to integrate sensors and other data sources for continuously monitoring multiple variables of the city in a single platform. In that sense, day after day more and more researchers and developers of other IoT platforms are excited about the possibilities of integration offered by the CitiSim platform. One clear example is the University of Oviedo.
On October 8th, the CitiSim project was presented to Vicente García Díaz, a professor member of the Model-Driven Engineering research group belonging to the University of Oviedo. After the presentation of the goals and results of the CitiSim project, they resulted in innovative ideas for those members of the University, who certainly detected potential lines of collaboration with a positive impact for both parties.
The University of Oviedo is a public university founded in 1574 with more than 20,000 students and 31 faculties and professional schools. The Model-Driven Engineering research groups framed within the University of Oviedo, with more than 15 researchers working on the application of models to improve productivity and quality in software engineering and development. The lines of research include fields such as web engineering, domain-specific languages, internet of things, machine learning and algorithms.
Due to the area of expertise of that research team around the Internet of Things, apart from collaboration in knowledge exchange and dissemination tasks, further lines of cooperation will be focused on integration of other IoT platforms and/or devices to become part of the CitiSim ecosystem, increasing in that way the capabilities of CitiSim to integrate third-party solutions.
We are excited to confirm once again that CitiSim continues generating interest in the community and members of the University of Oviedo are so interested in the CitiSim project. In that sense, we are proud to announce this new collaboration that clearly will occur in positive results.